Lose The Extra Kilos
A bespoke weight loss plan customized to suit your body to lose the excess fat and be in shape.
2 Months
(8 consults)
3 Months
(12 consults)
4 Months
(16 consults)
6 Months
(24 consults)
Ideal For
Individuals who are looking to shed some extra weight and get in shape. This program involves
working on highly customized diet plans to achieve quick results.
Key Highlights
One On One Consultation for 45-60 Minutes at the First Visit (Online or Offline)
Once a Week Email / Phone Call / Video Call / Skype Calls / WhatsApp Interactions
WhatsApp / Message Support Throughout the Week
Customized Diet Plans
Dietary Support for Ailments Like Diabetes, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, High BP, Thyroid Disorder, Cholesterol, Gastric Problems, etc.
Blood Report Analysis & Medical Guidance
Personalized Workout Guide
Vitamin Check
Diet Diary
Healthy Holiday Survival Guide
Healthy Dining Guide
Invaluable Anti-Ageing Tips for Skin & Hair Care